PAV: Personalized Head Avatar from Unstructured Video Collection

ECCV 2024


We propose PAV, Personalized Head Avatar for the synthe- sis of human faces under arbitrary viewpoints and facial expressions. PAV introduces a method that learns a dynamic deformable neural ra- diance field (NeRF), in particular from a collection of monocular talking face videos of the same character under various appearance and shape changes. Unlike existing head NeRF methods that are limited to model- ing such input videos on a per-appearance basis, our method allows for learning multi-appearance NeRFs, introducing appearance embedding for each input video via learnable latent neural features attached to the underlying geometry. Furthermore, the proposed appearance-conditioned density formulation facilitates the shape variation of the character, such as facial hair and soft tissues, in the radiance field prediction. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first dynamic deformable NeRF framework to model appearance and shape variations in a single uni- fied network for multi-appearances of the same subject. We demonstrate experimentally that PAV outperforms the baseline method in terms of visual rendering quality in our quantitative and qualitative studies on various subjects.


PAV turns video collection into animatable 3D head avatars


  author    = {Caliskan, Akin and Kicanaoglu, Berkay and Kim, Hyeongwoo},
  title     = {PAV: Personalized Head Avatar from Unstructured Video Collection},
  booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision},
  year      = {2024},